This field is a representation of a field on the target resources or trusted sources that are to be reconciled with (for example, mapped to) information in Oracle Identity Manager
- Field Name: Name of the field on the target resource or trusted source that is to be reconciled with data in Oracle Identity Manager
- Field Type: Data type associated with the field. Possible values are String, Number, Date, IT Resource, Multi-Valued Attribute
- Required: Indicator that designates whether or not this field is required in a reconciliation event.
ReconAttrMap Lookup
The Field Name value here must be the same value as the ReconAttrMap Code Key in order for Reconciliation to map the data.
Reconciliation Field Mapping
Applicable to all Field Types chosen here except Multi Valued Attribute.
Reconciliation Table Mapping
Only applicable when Multi Valued Attribute is selected as the Field Type.